Signed Paperback Giveaway!
Winner of the Shag Lake Paperback: Nina A big thank you to everyone on my reader list for all your support. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! October 4, 2017, is the Shag Harbour UFO Incident 50th Anniversary! And to celebrate I'm giving away an autographed...
Goodreads Giveaways!
It's been a busy couple of months at my household, including a lot of travel to get my oldest daughter settled into university. And now that the shock of my nest being half empty is wearing off, I remembered that I forgot to share my Goodreads Giveaways with you all!...
The WWIII Prophecy of Sunset Rising?
Looks like I need to do some editing on the Sunset Rising prologue. Apparently I was feeling a little complacent when I set February 2024 as the beginning of my fictional global nuclear war. But back in 2012 when I was writing Sunset Rising, North Korea's new supreme...
Countdown to release of Shag Lake!
Mark July 13, 2017 on your calendars! It’s the date that Shag Lake will finally be released to readers, and winners will be drawn for the $50 Amazon Giveaway and review copies of Shag Lake. There’s still time to enter the draw! Cheers – Susan McEachern
Enter the Shag Lake Giveaway!
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