I have a HUGE announcement to make. And no, it’s not the promised blog post about bananas (sorry for the let down…just breathe through it). It’s about publishing. Specifically, it’s about my series, the Sunset Rising series, soon to be available EVERYWHERE. Yes, you heard right. EVERYWHERE.

For all you awesome readers who were following me back in December (or was it January?) I blogged about reaching a crossroads with the eminent release of book two, Worlds Collide. I had taken SR down from the distribution platform I had been using due to some publishing issues and didn’t have another publishing alternative to get the book across all channels. So I did something that turned out to be the best thing for my writing career: I listed SR exclusively with Amazon via their KDP Select program. Best. Thing. I. Ever. Did. I love Amazon. They provide writers—all writers—with marketing tools unavailable anywhere else that, in turn, benefits readers with greater diversity in literature and lower ebook prices. That, my friends, is no small feat. Its no wonder Amazon is the biggest ebook publisher in the world.

So why am I leaving KDP Select? To go with a brand new, dynamic, young publishing company that will get my books listed across all channels. As much as I love Amazon (and I really do!), there was a part of me that felt super bad for not publishing Worlds Collide on all channels since early readers were able to download the first book in different formats.

I know you’re all sitting there thinking what happened? Get to the point! Well, the aforementioned Brand New Dynamic Young Publishing Company that contacted me about the SR series is called Vook. Probably you’ve never heard of them. That’s because they are Brand New. Still in beta phase to be precise. And I’ll be one of 50 (or up to 100) authors they’ll be representing during their beta period. So does this mean I’m with a publisher? Kind of. They are a hybrid-publisher, which means I get to keep all my copyrights and control over my books, but they’ll help me with distribution and marketing. Although admittedly, they had me at “distribution.”

My heavy conscience about early SR readers who own a Nook or Kobo is about to be lightened around July 5th when both books get listed at:

Amazon Kindle logo 2iBooks official logoBN official logoKobo official logoGoogle Play

No, don’t click on them yet! The books aren’t available until July 5th, or shortly thereafter. I just wanted to show off the really cool logos that will soon be on the side column (or should I put them on the upper menu?) of my website. I’m going to have to do something to mark the occasion…maybe another Giveaway, but this time signed paperbacks of Sunset Rising? Or stick with a gift certificate? Both? Drop me a comment if you have a preference.

That’s my big news. I know I owe you all another Satellite Story, and I did start writing one, but then I got caught up in writing book three instead. It’s a juggle… especially since I’m on a timeline with book 3 to get it out before Christmas. I really envy writers that can pen an entire book every three or four months. Unfortunately, I’m the type that gets bogged down in research, checking facts (I’m a stickler to the point of being OCD) and constantly smoothing out character arcs. Hey, a lot goes into world building.

I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for stopping by!