I met so many awesome people during my last Goodreads giveaway, I decided to keep the mojo going with another one! Thank you to everyone who reached out to talk about the Sunset Rising series, gave me your thoughts about all my characters and where you hope to see them end up (and who with!), and to share your own aspirations in life with me. This is why I write! Thank you.

If you want to stay up to date with my latest work in progress, and be the first to receive news on more episodes of the Sunset Rising series, follow me here on my blog. I look forward to connecting with you 🙂 Good luck on the giveaway.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Sunset Rising by S.M. McEachern

Sunset Rising

by S.M. McEachern

Giveaway ends June 29, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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