Satellite stories are short stories, based on minor characters and elements of the series, designed to enhance the story. Although I love writing from Sunny’s point of view, there are things happening among some of the other characters that she can’t see; hence, satellites stories allow me to give the reader a “behind the scenes” look at what is going on. Your feedback is important!
I’ll publish each satellite as a post and alert readers on Twitter and here on my blog whenever I have a new story. If you’re interested in finding out when a satellite has been released, please follow me here on my blog and/or on Twitter: @smmceachern
This is very interesting! I’m familiar with authors writing novellas from the viewpoint of characters besides the protagonist, but I didn’t know there was an actual word for short stories that are sort of like those novellas. It makes sense though, calling them satellite stories, from a conceptual way. Thanks for sharing this idea and I look forward to reading Sunset Rising as well as these short stories!
Thanks Ari! I’ll admit it – “satellite” stories is my own made-up word. I didn’t want to call them short stories mainly because they aren’t stand alone stories – they are a part of the series, yet not vital to the plot (although they do have cross-over surprises)… they are satellites.
I hope you enjoy SR and that you pop back here after and read the satellites. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I will have to check out your stories and I love that name you made up for them.