RockStar Book Tour – Sunset Rising Trilogy
It's been a minute since the Sunset Rising series went on a book tour -- 2014 maybe? - but the covers are all dusted off and they are ready to roll. Thank you so much to Jaime at RockStar Book Tours for so generously putting together this fabulous tour! (Authors, this...
S.M. McEachern’s next novel: you get to pick!
As promised in my last post, here is the poll where you, the reader, get to tell me, the writer, what to write next. Just take a look at the book descriptions below and vote for the novel you're most excited to read. On January 20, 2019, I'll see which one has the...
Sunset Rising Ezvid Wiki Feature
2019 started off with bang for this author Sunset Rising has been getting a lot of love lately, and I was really touched to learn that Ezvid Wiki named Sunset Rising in their top ten "Sensational Works of YA Science Fiction." They even made a cool booktrailer video...
Disruption to the Sunset Rising Trilogy
As I blogged about in November, Pronoun will be shutting its doors forever on January 15, 2018. Hence, it's time to pack up the Sunset Rising trilogy from its home of three years and move to another place. This migration, as it's called in the publishing industry,...
Macmillan Announces Closure of Pronoun
S.M. McEachern with the Pronoun Team, NYC, July 2015 Macmillan Publishers sent me an email yesterday, November 6, 2017, to let me know that it will be shutting down its self-publishing platform, Pronoun. The news kind of choked me up, with a heavy emphasis on the kind...
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