Hi everyone!  It’s the world’s worst blogger back again.  I’ve been busy this holiday season driving across eastern Canada in ice storms, snow storms and -40 celsius with windchill kind of weather.  Northern New Brunswick never ceases to amaze me with miles and miles of…well…nothing.  It’s a big conservation area so it would be nice to see an animal once in while just to throw some excitement into the drive 😉

Since I’ve been back, I worked on a blurb for Worlds Collide and set up a Goodreads page you can check out.   I’ll repost the blurb here:


Worlds Collide (Sunset Rising #2)

In a desperate attempt to escape execution, Sunny O’Donnell and Jack Kenner find a way out of the Pit and into a world still believed to be toxic with radiation.  Under the brilliant sun for the first time in their lives, they not only discover that the earth has healed from nuclear war, but there are people outside the Dome. 

In Worlds Collide, the second book of the Sunset Rising trilogy, Sunny and Jack must continue a life of subterfuge in order to stay alive and find a way to free the Pit.  But in their attempt to save the urchins, they uncover the horrifying truth about President Holt and the evil he could unleash on the world. 


Hopefully this wets the appetite without giving too much away!!  I’ve heard back from a few beta readers and the response has been way better than expected – so I’m happy!  A few little things to tweak before it goes to my editor.  I’m really looking forward to releasing Book Two soon!

P.S. If there are any book bloggers out there that would like to participate in the cover reveal and giveaway, please contact me!